This is the finished copy of my self portrait I learned many things on this project including how to colour a image on pixlr, and how to use pixlr some elements used in my work were lines, colour and shape.

This is my first copy.

Chelsea Somers
5/31/2012 02:47:52 am

I love your art, great job! :)
One thing you may want to add is in your reflection, you could add more details on what you learned and how you did it. Overall, you did good!

6/11/2012 03:57:30 am

-great photo you got there!
- I think your pants are very long in that picture
- I think your shoes are too small in that picture
- Overall, nice picture!!

Pooh Bear
6/11/2012 04:08:25 am

I thought that you could of put a colour in the background do make it pop out. Also, your pants looked a little awkward, if that makes sense to you. But other than that I think you did pretty good! :)

Ms. Bohnert
6/12/2012 02:43:02 am

You did a great job here. I can see that you used the elements of colour, lines and shape very well. Perhaps what you want to work on is the proportioning of the body- for example, making sure that the head and feet are a good size in relation to the rest of the body. This will come with continued practice! Keep up the good work.

6/18/2012 02:57:34 pm

your pnts look a little weird and maybe choose brighter colors good job


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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    May 2012

