Hi this is my first blog so please feel free to post a comment or question about my science research also feel free to give suggestions. I would also enjoy positive feedback thank you. please specifically comment on the rock cycle and the theory of plate tectonics.
12/12/2011 05:34:34 am

You did an okay job. You need more information on the theory of plate tectonics and you still need to start the rock cycle otherwise good job

Mickey Mouse
12/12/2011 05:38:28 am

You did a very good job but some things you have to work on is putting some more info and to start you rock cycle but over all great job!

Mary poppins
12/12/2011 05:39:24 am

hi hermonie your website looks great but your rock cycle page seems to be empty i think you should work on it also your plate techtonics page could use some more info on it over all it looks great good job.

12/12/2011 05:42:37 am

you have plenty of good info, but i think that for the plate tectonic page you could add more, and your rock cycle page appears to have info at all. So I recommend you work on that a bit but your images are relevant and your spelling and grammar is gooder than mine! Good job! If want some cool videos on your page you can check out this cool site called braingenie!

Have a nice learning Journey!

12/12/2011 05:42:57 am

You need to work on your rock cycle because there is nothing on it but I know why there is no information poor you. Your theory of plate tectonics has lots of information and that is great. Your convergent boundary is very organized which is great for viewers. Also your divergent boundary is great for you but needs a little more information. I love how you added a picture for each section. It is great of you to add videos for sections.

- Amy

Winnie the Poo
12/13/2011 05:24:28 am

I really like your pages but maybe you should put a little bit more information in your rock cycle page. other than that it was really good. :)


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