Please give me feedback regarding the Convergent Boundary page and all the pages inside of it, thank you for the feed back I appreciate it.
Mary poppins
1/3/2012 05:30:43 am

INFORMATION: your information seems to be really short i would add lots more information to it and then it would be perfect.

MEDIA: I only see pictures on your page if you could i would add some more videos to it so people can enjoy the information on the screen otherwise its amazing

PUNCTUATION: your punctuation needs some work on it because some of your sentence's are run on but its good.

SPELLING: some of your sentences need more work and alot more information is needed you are doing great dont stop the good work.

CAPITALS: your capitals dont need work there really good.


1/3/2012 05:34:20 am

Grammar: Your grammar was great and the writing was easy to understand which will help your viewers understand it better I think your website is coming along greatly and the grammar is getting way better.

Information: Your information is good but you could use a little more information for each kind of convergence on the convergent boundary page but keep up the work so your website will be fantastic.

Spelling: You spelled Volcanos wrong it we be very nice if you could change it so people will actually know what it is.

Capitals: You had no capitals missing not that I could see so good work and keep it up.

I will continue later

1/3/2012 05:36:16 am

Information: You need to add more information on oceanic-oceanic, and continental-continental.

Grammar: Your grammar is great but I think it needs more work, but great job.

Spelling: Your spelling is okay but you need to fix the word volcanos it is spelled with an E at the end right before the S other wise good job.

Punctuation: You need to work on it but good job.

Media: Needs work but it is still good.

Capitals:Are good great job.

1/3/2012 10:19:10 am

Media: Your media is fine it has all that you need keep up the work.

winnie the poo
1/3/2012 10:28:09 am

Hermionie great job. Information: I would really learn lots if I was trying to find info for convergent boundaries but maybe you should add oceanic continential convergence and oceanic oceanic convergence and the continential continential convergence. Grammar: Hermionie I really liked your grammar I couldn’t find any problems for grammar that I could see.

Mickey Mouse
1/3/2012 12:05:17 pm

Hi Hermonie:)
Grammar: Your grammar was good.
Capitals: You did very good job I didn’t spot any capital errors so that’s good.
Spelling: No words were spelled incorrect so good job!
Punctuation: Your periods were good you had the right amount of periods but the only thing is you had a lot of commas and some words that I didn’t even understand so you should proof read again and try to put some words in your own words but otherwise it was good.
Media: I really liked how you put a picture for each paragraph you had I thought that was really good because it will maybe make the person that reading it more interested in it so it is really good and your video I liked your video because it was good video and it was showing what you were talking about in your paragraphs were talking about so the video was on topic so you had very well done media!
Information: You need to put your paragraphs in your own words because some words in your paragraphs I don’t get what it means so you might want to check that out but over all I liked your information.
You did a very good job so keep up the great work :)


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