Please comment on my three rock sections all positive comment please thanks.
Mary poppins
1/4/2012 07:54:46 am

Hey your website looks great i found not many problems in them it looks really good

INFORMATION: your info is the best it has alot of detail on it and you did really good.

SENTENCE STRUCTRE: your sentences seem to be very good but some of them are a litttle to short and some are like run on but good job.

CAPITALS: Your capitals dont need work its really good

Your website is great and so are your pictrues but maybe add some videos in them great job

Mickey Mouse
1/4/2012 08:21:38 am

Hi Hermonie!

Information: Your information was very well done I can tell that you got some info from class
Which is good and the videos and you had the right amount of information maybe you can add a bit more information for your extrusive and your intrusive and what I really liked how you put good amount of information in all of your rock sections.
Media: I liked how you had a picture for all of your rock sections but maybe you should add a picture for extrusive and intrusive and maybe you should add some videos to some of your rock sections but otherwise great job.
Capitals: For your igneous rock section there were no capital errors in your sedimentary section you had no capital errors for your metamorphic rock section there were no capital errors so your capitals were very well done!
Spelling: for your sedimentary rock section on the third line in your paragraph it didn’t make sense when you said sedimentary rocks are usually formed in oceans and lakes were larger it dosent make sense because when you put the word (were) between lakes and larger and you should take the word were out and put a period right after lakes and then start the sentence with larger because that’s the word you had a already and I think that was the only spelling mistake I found so good job.
Grammar: You had pretty good grammar in your sentences maybe just try to start sentences with more transition words and I think that’s it for your grammar.
Punctuation: I didn’t see any errors so good job!
You did a very good job and your rock sections look very well done!

1/4/2012 11:34:48 am

Information: your info was good on Igneous but add just a little more on intrusive and extrusive.

Spelling: Your spelling is good.

Media: I would suggest putting more pictures and videos on all the pages.

Grammar: On your pages you to improve on yourgrammar but still good job.

Capitals: Your capitals are great!

Punctuation: Yur punctuation is great but it still needs work though but still great job.

You've done a great job! :)

winnie the poo
1/4/2012 01:29:59 pm

Hermonie great job. Info: you did a very good job on your info there is so much info that if I needed to do a project I would probably look at your info (website).
Grammar: Your grammar is great.
Media: great job on media to but maybe you should put a video for every section.. other than that great job.
Spelling: No mistakes on spellin that I could see.


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